Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Swiss Chard anyone?

In Sicily it is calleld Imbanata and in the rest of Italy it is called Impanata...anyhow not sure how to translate it in English. But this recipe is divine, it is spinach or Swiss chard stuffed between a pizza like crust -top and bottom and usually has various combinations depending on your likes:

Swiss chard/spinach and onion

Swiss chard/spinach, onion and mozzarella

Swiss chard/spinach, onion and ground beef

Swiss chard/spinach, onion and hot dog slices (odd, I know!? but they did this in Sicily which I thought was gross-see pic)

Or you can make your own is fantastic and you can make a large batch and have it for lunch or snacks for a few days after it is made. I prefer it with artic chard as it gives it a different flavor. Aunt Susie will make this for us to sample! And of course to document for the book.

Read more on about the Swiss chard.
It is one of the healthiest of the super-nutritious "dark, leafy greens".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the nearest translation in English is "pie" - not v specific... A similar Spanish snack is called empanada but that usually has tuna, onion and tomato in it. Shame you can't come to Granada or you could have tried some there :( There's a stall in the Brick Lane indoor market that sells Spanish snacks and I saw that they had empanada so will drag you there to try some when you get back. Keep it up, love reading your latest, Nats xxx