This is how the kids view their menu at Jamie's Kitchen in Brighton - they loved it and we adults also had a go. We had a fantastic meal there and I think we had the best service that I have ever had in England! After 7 years in this country, I thought I would never see the day.
I think Mr. Oliver is doing something right as the restaurant looks great, the staff are all happy there is great customer service and the food is outstanding. Why are there not more of these restaurants around? And when is Jamie's Kitchen coming to London?
I will post more about our eating experience shortly - we went there for lunch and then again for a pre-dinner snack that is how impressed we were. The Dolce's and the Quinn's are usually a tough crowd to please so twice in one day is impressive. Above is a pic of PM enjoying his 'menu' and below is one of my favourite parts of the restaurant, gorgeous pink booths with views into the kitchen and another snap of the main dining area on the main floor. The interior design of the place is just perfect.
Get there to try some of their amazing food. Visit the website to find out more.
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