Have 4 flights in 5 days to look forward to (at least the Burger won't be sitting next to me having a panic/crying/Rain Man attack during take off and landing and then saying 'I wasn't that bad, was I?" To which we replied, mouth agape, 'really?? the whole section were staring and the crew came over as soon as they could after take off to see if they could give you a horse tranquiliser, you need serious medical attention for this fear my dear!')
Our plane food from Dubai was shocking (see pic) I had to just eat load of those nice Worcester sauce flavoured nuts and my non-plane food. I now buy my food before I board at a restaurant so I don't have to endure the lasagna surprise or beef barfignon! The only thing I ate was the stick of pineapple in the little baggy, that was actually the best thing on the flight. Don't you like how on the box it is written - Enjoy! - are they taunting us?
Oh and the hotel that I am staying at tomorrow surely won't provide many opportunities to rectify the food malady of BA; it has been described to me as 'worse than the pictures on the internet and it smells like old men, beer and fustiness.' I almost fell over in my chair and then thought, wtf - what is fustiness??!!
The hotel looks pub-like so I think we will just drink lots of Swiss beer to blank out the senses. Will try and post from Switzerland but am quite sure that our 'hotel' might not have wi-fi or big fluffy bathrobes or even a little mini bar with those salty almonds. Oh the joy of business travel! Isn't it so glamorous? At least my favourite T5 (Terminal 5) will bring me some joy, it is a pleasure flying out of there and there are lots of places to stock up on smoothies and sarnies for the journey.
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