Thursday, March 05, 2009

Jasmine surpriseWhen you order the Jasmine flower tea at Whole Foods, you get exotic flowers wrapped in green tea leaves. Once the hot water is poured over the tightly wrapped ball, the leaves unravel to display the beautiful flowers inside.

It is quite a beautiful thing to order and drink, although am not sure why it is called Jasmine Flower tea when that is not what a Jasmine flower looks like. Well, unless you read the fine print you will never know - ignorance is bliss!

Dio asked the cute American next to us if we could take a photo, we were eating next to him at the sushi bar and am sure he was loving our lunch gossip. The interruption of his meal and photo was payment for the free entertainment we provided. Dio likes to make fun of my Canadian accent, especially when I try and say Irish words - Kurrah, Currah?! Am sure he was chuckling inside.
Get to High Street Ken's Whole Foods - it is a lovely place to shop, eat and browse in - but bring your American Express Gold card as it ain't cheap!

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