The poster asks for volunteers to either bring some lonely elderly people to tea or to host a tea party. I volunteered once long ago at an old age home and many of the residents there were super lonely and so grateful for anyone to chat to them. Some had no friends or family ever visiting them - it was heartbreaking.
Over a cup of tea, you learned so much from them; some were fascinating and full of historic and entertaining information, many could tell some great stories too, it was like a talking history book. In that short time, you felt as if you made such a difference in their lives. I would host one but I live on the top floor (with no lift) and have no car, boo - will see if they have some sprightly elders who could brave trekking to the top floor!
If you want to know more or volunteer in any way visit their site, am sure you can host a tea party - a pot of tea and some biscuits and you are on your way!
Contact the Elderly
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