Monday, January 08, 2007

What NOT to Eat

Guest poster: Clara (no I did not have a son since you last saw me -although he is a doll!)
No medium rare During pregnancy the list of what you should not eat is endless. Not only is your body out of control for 10 months but you are also deprived of all of your favourite foods during the process. No refined hot cold tap unpasteurized cheeses (gouda, feta, goat, brie, blue) must only be consumed once a week and watch your intake of Vitamin A as that causes issues as
well. Like most women I was under the misconception that during pregnancy this is the one time that you can throw away your diet manual and start eating for two. But in reality you are only "supposed" to eat an additional 500 calories. This equates to about 2 glasses of milk which you should be drinking anyway because your want your baby to have strong bones. So after 42 weeks (I was over due by 2 weeks) of deprivation, 19 hours of labour, stitches in my abdomen, and excessive hair loss, I am now a proud mother of a beautiful baby boy Andrew Vincent Power. So now that pregnancy is all over, bring on the coffee...sushi...medium rare steak.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I didn't know that, let's get out there and go to a big fat buffet somewhere and indulge!