Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pineapple Lumps
A NZ treat! It smells like pineapple, has pineapple flavour but I don't think there is any pineapple in this candy bar (from what I recall when reading the ingredients' list).

My sis and I have a new favourite show -Flight of the Conchords - about two Kiwis who move to NYC to get their folk band into the limelight. It is hilarious and is getting quite the cult following. My friends in NY love it and my friends in TO are also keenly watching each week as Jermaine and Brett go through some interesting experiences in NY. It doesn't seem to be showing in NZ which is a shame as it is truly a gem of a show.

They make a lot of funny NZ references and perhaps one day they will be eating Pineapple Lumps sent to them from their family back home. One thing they do not do on the show is call each other by a nickname as every Kiwi I know is not called their real name e.g. Bug, Bun, Bobs, Coops, Hunty, Heinzy, Madz etc... Seriously, these are some of the Kiwi people whom I have met and for months did not know their real names. Some of them I still cannot recall their real names?!

On the site Pineapple Lumps are, 'the single best-seller among homesick Kiwis. Chewy and satisfying.'


Léa said...

Love the Flight of the Concord, advertised in NYC as the 4th best Folk band of New Zealand!

Sutton Walk said...

I love this show too!!! Only seen 1 episode when I was recovering from the worst jetlag of my travelling career a few weeks ago in a hotel room in San Francisco. Can we download it or something for a night in? x