Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Minty fresh

A cuppa mint tea does wonders for you after a large meal. It is light and refreshing and also has several health benefits. This mint tea was served at Masala Zone.

The secret to Momma Dolce's meatballs is also a sprig of mint chopped finely and added to the mixture. It is easy to grow mint as it seems to come back each year stronger and stronger once planted in a sunny spot.

Chop it when it starts growing out of hand, lay it to dry in the sun and keep it for use throughout the winter. In Italian it is called mentha.
Buy a little pot from your local garden shop and enjoy it grow wildly and also provide you with a lovely smell. Use it with lamb, chicken and other dishes, the list is endless.

Yoghurt with fresh mint, cucumber and garlic is an amazing sauce to use on boring grilled chicken or just to eat with pita bread. It is divine and the cucumber keeps the yoghurt cool which is v.refreshing. Or take some sprigs and pour some boiling water and have a lovely tea.

Men in Sicily usually take a sprig and keep it in their mouths like a cigarette and chew on it and roll it around. I haven't seen anyone do that in a while but I recall clearly my dad and grandfather doing that each time they went to the garden to putter around.

Am off to go buy a plant!

Ramsa's mint/yoghurt combo.

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