Saturday, February 24, 2007


Water, aqua, acqua, vand, Wasser, voda, eau, paani, djour, mul, maille or whichever language you want to say it in is very important to us wherever we live. We need it to live and our bodies are made up of 70% of it and 71% of the earth is covered by it.

It comes in different forms and affects each part of our life, we deal with it in different forms, some are now enjoying snow, hail, rain, fog and ice while others are enjoying it on their sun holidays in the form of lakes, rivers and oceans. We need it to water our gardens for food, to wash our bodies, to cool us down and to wake us up. Essentially water is everywhere and connects us all globally. See Paolo in the pic skiing in Dubai at an indoor ski dome.

We need it for cooking or preparing almost all of our foods -how would we survive without water for boiling our pasta?! Well this post is a shameless plug for a project I am working on and it is called Shoot Experience, the idea of a friend Brett from South Africa/London who is running a global photography project called the 'Connective Collective' with the theme of... you guessed it, water!

The events will take place in cities around the world, including Toronto & London, my two fave cities and participants will spend a day on a photographic scavenger hunt looking for clues which are related to the theme of water. Kind of like the Amazing Race tv show if you want to attend all of them?! I can ask Brett for a discount if you do...Check it out and sign up. If you want more information just drop me a line and I can give you more details on your preferred city.

And remember water is not food, it is a chemical substance that is essential to all known forms of life. Don't waste it. Wiki has an excellent page on it if you want to read more.

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