Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mrs.Diab can cook!
Momma Dolce is an excellent cook but she doesn’t venture into the Middle Eastern world of food so don’t cut me out of the will when you read this praise Mrs. Dolce, as you are still tops. But boy can Mrs. Diab cook!

She is at the top of the list and hopefully one day she will open a restaurant so that others can share in the joy or if she ever sits down with me to write out her recipes then there will be a Lebanese food cookbook soon! She is a passionate cook that devotes lots of time to it and her presentation is also superb. She is the Lebanese Martha but with so much more vivacity. Always a fun night at the Diab’s esp with the entertainment provided by Mr.D; he made several funny faces for the camera.

The night’s menu consisted of vine leaves perfectly wrapped and stuffed with rice and meat, a gorgeous roast of lamb with potatoes, roasted chicken with stuffing, a chickpea and eggplant dish, tossed salad made with a lemon dressing and hearts of palm and warm pita with yoghurt, mint and garlic dip – all made at Casa Diab. Not only is she passionate about food she invests lots of time and energy into perfecting the dishes and her presentation is superb.

Mr. D is off to Lebanon to set up the Middle Eastern version of the Bachelorette –good luck! Am sure he will lose about 10lbs when he has to fend for himself on the eating front. Thx to the Diabs for a fab meal. Stay tuned for a recipe book of the recipes handed down to Mrs. D from her family in Lebanon.

If you are looking for a grocery store which caters to your Middle Eastern food needs, Nasr (Lawrence & Warden) is a great place to check out.

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