Friday, September 29, 2006

Nonno's land

I got a bit of family history when I was in Sicily, these pics are of the land that my grandfather owned.

Apparently Nonno (grandpa) was quite the entreprenuer and a savvy businessman who was extremely intelligent, excellent negotiator and was the king bee -never the worker bee (sounds like someone I know JQ). He was also very stubborn (JQ again)

When he left Sicily to venture to Canada he sold this piece of land to his brother-in-law Pino who has worked it ever since and now his son/my 2nd cousin Pasquale is still working the land each day...all in the family.

Many pics in upcoming posts will come from this piece of land. The fruit and vegetables that grows on this land is exceptional, organic and extremely delicious. Pasquale sells it to the local co-op which then exports it around the world so if you are currently eating peaches with a Sicily sticker on it - it may have come from this piece of land.

The top pic shows the view that it has (spectacular-the photo doesn't do it justice) and the bottom pic is of some of the olive trees that are to one side. While I was there I tasted some ripe figs, peaches, plums, almonds, fresh peas/string beans, grapes and more...

There is also an old farmhouse with an old wood burning stove to make pizzas and other treats. There are two dogs that guard the land but apparently the rottweiler who is ferocious keeps escaping from his collar. We searched for it while we were there but then Pasquale found it the next day at one of the neighboring properties being pampered by another farmer -so much for a ferocious guard dog only allowing his owner to step onto his property...

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