Friday, May 22, 2009

Crazie HomiesPrior to my friends moving to Notting Hill I would always pass Crazie Homies and think it was a durty Mexican hole in the wall restaurant. I then heard rave reviews and found out it was another one of Tom Conran's restaurants. After 7 years of thinking it was a chavvy restaurant (it is opposite a large council estate) I finally managed to eat there (after 2 attempts, as there was a long queue each time). I am not one to wait when it comes to my stomach; those who know me know that I can get a bit irrational and turn into a Gremlin when I am hungry.

Verdict: the food was fantastic, the margeritas were super strong (was that 2 shots of tequila?), the service was great and the company was even better. After a long day at work, the margerita went straight to my head and the crazy decor and flashing lights everywhere were wonderful! My chicken burrito was stuffed with chicken and the salsa and hot sauce were divine. I wasn't that hungry but stuffed so much Mexican down my gob, it was great.

I recommend going and am going to try and go there more often as I can roll home from there!

Crazy Homies on Urbanspoon

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