Friday, February 15, 2008

Jessica Rabbit

Who Framed Roger Rabbit - remember that movie? Just another day at the market! Not sure if this budding actress even eats rabbit - will have to ask her during our next market adventure.

Several times while growing up, our dad brought home a few rabbits and sometimes skinned them in the basement after a hunting trip. I think we even had a pet rabbit once that suspiciously 'disappeared' and we were only told after the fact that we had eaten it for dinner! And...our parents told us that everything that was put on the dinner table was 'chicken', including rabbit. Gotta love the tricks parents use to get their kids to eat - apparently Dolce Senior and I were poor eaters when we were little.

Here is a recipe for rabbit stew that I like - there are no measurements - just use your judgment e.g. a handful of vegetables and for the wine about 1-2 cups same with water and one can of chopped tomatoes:

Coniglio (rabbit) stew

Fresh whole rabbit cut into pieces
Olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Chopped Tomatoes, canned or fresh
White wine
Chicken stock

In a pan, heat olive oil until hot. Add onions, garlic and fry them til they become lightly golden. Add the rabbit to the onions and garlic and cook quickly on both sides until brown. Add vegetables sliced and diced (maybe pre boil the potatoes first or slice them very thinly so they cook).

Once the rabbit has browned nicely add the wine and spices. Let the rabbit soak up the wine and the medley of flavours from the vegetables, onions and garlic. Add salt and pepper.

After 5-10minutes add the tomatoes and some water or chicken stock. Reduce heat and let this all simmer until the sauce thickens. Test a piece of potato and rabbit to see if it is cooked –should take another 30-45min to thicken the sauce on low heat – slow cooking will bring out the flavours so no need to rush.

Serve with fresh, crusty bread and rice!

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