A letter to my Kiwi mother
Dearest Momma Hale,
I put together a little guide of what to eat while you are in Sicily next week, rest assured you will be fed at all times of the day and will eat a little more than usual. If you climb the volcano you will burn some of these calories, but do bring some elastic-y trousers as you may expand a little. Here is your daily menu. Breakfast-A piece of watermelon, fresh fruit, espresso from the little old man near the cannoli lady near your hotel, water and some Melba toast and Nutella 
Morning snack -An icy granita to cool you down before lunch or a gelato - my personal favourite flavours are lemon or coffee granita - lemons come straight from the abundance of tress on the island so you know that it is fresh.

Lunch – A rice ball or a piece of pizza (daily rice balls are a must). Pizza can be plain or potato. 

Afternoon snack – a Sicilan cannoli – usually on your way home from the beach –sold in two sizes -small and large, located next to espresso man shop. I usually like to get two small ones as you don't feel as piggy as when you have one large one. They are made with fresh ricotta, sugar, pistachios and encased in a freshly made shell. Divine!

Relaxation time before dinner – more watermelon and fresh fruit, some biscuits that you can buy at the supermarket and perhaps a glass of Campari and soda, you can enjoy this on the rooftop terrace while reading trashy magazines or while playing some Scrabble or a game of 'Scopa' with Sicilian cards (the espresso man may be able to teach you if you can understand him)
Dinner – Pesce spada (sword fish), Beccafico – rolled and stuffed sardines, fresh tomato salads, caponata, limoncello and whatever else tickles your fancy from the menu. The first two are super fresh and specialities of the islands so I would recommend having these more than once.

Apres dinner – grappa, Averna(digestif, bitter liqueur), or gelato al limone as this is refreshing and not heavy before you go to bed, or be adventurous and have whichever flavour you like (I just get stuck in my lemon fascination when I am in Sicily).

Midnight snack - not an option as you should be sleeping and trying to let your body digest all the food as you have to do it all over again the next day! Unless you are Spanish dancing at the outdoor gay bar at the port, then you can have one last indulgence.
I am still burning off my Sicily fat but it was well worth it. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you in LondonTown!